It's been ages since my last newsletter, and this one is just to tell you about all our new stock that we ordered especially for Mothers Day! After Jennys' and my trip to Sydney and a whole lot of fun (and a whole lot of dollars!) nearly everything we ordered is here, including new candles and those divine Ayalabar earrings we all love!


Gorgeous new organic lip balms that taste & feel divine, perfumes (I sample them most days just to make sure they still smell as fresh and gorgeous as I thought!) and soaps and creams that I use at home because they're the best I've found (the goats milk soap especially) The chocolate rocks have been replenished (I probably eat more from the sample jar than I give away but not as many as my dear husband!) and we also have some salted caramel gems during these months that I'm sure will get cooler soon!


Every on-line order - even if it's picked up in the shop - will receive a beautiful creamy soap and will go in the draw for a fifty dollar gift voucher! So, use this link and find something you'd love to buy, give or get and you could receive a call on Sunday 8th May (Mothers Day) to say you've WON!! Cheers 'til then, Sue

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